Climate Heritage Network Youth Forum
Acting on climate is acting on intergenerational equity. Youth-led care for culture has the power to drive transformative change. These principles are at the core of the Climate Heritage Network Youth Forum, launched at COP26 Youth Day (5 November). The launch was accompanied by the release of Youth Recommendations on Climate Heritage Action. Inputs into the design of the Recommendations and the Forum came from the Climate Heritage Narratives, a series of three youth-led intergenerational dialogues held in September and October 2021 as part of the #All4Climate programme organised by Italy, host of the 2021 Pre-COP.
The CHN Youth Forum is open to all young people and emerging professionals between ages 16 and 35. It aims to facilitate both intergenerational and peer learning and help bring local insights to global climate-heritage challenges. Leadership for the Youth Forum comes from representatives of the youth movements and programmes of CHN member organisation.
Climate Heritage Issue Priorities: Strategies to unlock the power of youth-led care for culture as a driver of climate action include bringing a cultural voice to the UN climate agency’s Youth Constituency known as YOUNGO, holding peer-to-peer learning sessions and networking events, communicating about culture and climate via social media, and bring a youth perspective to the policy and issue engagement of the Climate Heritage Network.
Creating synergies with other youth-oriented organizations and fostering intergenerational dialogues where young people have the opportunity to speak with people of other generations about climate impacts.
Youth Forum Leadership
Pravali Vangeti
Louise Kelly
Yoloxochitl Lucio Orizaga