Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is the governing body of the Climate Heritage Network, with responsibility for determining and overseeing its strategic direction.
The Steering Committee is comprised of regional Co-Chairs elected by CHN Members in their respective regions and up to 15 additional representatives selected by the Co-Chairs from among nominated candidates seconded by CHN Members.
Climate Heritage Network Co-Chairs, 2022-2024
Simon Musasizi
Africa and the Arab States Co-Chair
The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda
Kampala, Uganda
Sneska Quaedvlieg–Mihailovic
Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Co-Chair
Europa Nostra
The Hague, Netherlands
Shanon Shea Miller, AICP
North America Co-Chair
City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Arq Angélica Arias
Latin America and the Caribbean Co-Chair
Red de Espacios CasaMEMORIA, creemos en comunidad
Quito, Ecuador
Arq Mauro Gabriel García Santa Cruz
Latin America and the Caribbean Vice Chair
Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano y Territorial Sostenible, Fundación Ciudad de La Plata
La Plata, Argentina
Dr Hannah Fluck
Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Vice Chair
National Trust UK
London, United Kingdom
Chris Wiebe
North America Vice Chair
National Trust for Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Royce Lyssah M. Malabonga
Asia-Pacific Co-Chair
The Siam Society/Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage Alliance (SEACHA)
Manila, Philippines and Bangkok, Thailand
International Steering Committee, 2022-2024
Erminia Sciacchitano, PhD
Ministry of Culture of Italy
Rome, Italy
Ibrahim Tchan
Ecomusée Tata Somba
Tanguiéta, Benin
Rochelle Diver Anishinaabe
International Indian Treaty Council
Anishinaabe Territory/Northern Minnesota, USA
Khandoker Mahfuz ud Darain, PhD
Khulna University, Architecture Discipline
Khulna, Bangladesh
Lori Ferriss, AIA, PE, LEED AP BD+C
Goody Clancy
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Carl Elefante, FAIA, FAPT
Architecture 2030
Washington, DC, USA
Katharine Turvey
ICOM - International Council of Museums
Paris, France
Lic. María Jimena García Santa Cruz
Iniciativa Patrimonio y Cambio Climático
La Plata, Argentina
Adam Markham
Union of Concerned Scientists
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Claire McGuire
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
The Hague, Netherlands
Julianne Polanco
California Office of Historic Preservation
Sacramento, California, USA
Dr. Parul Munjal
Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage
New Delhi, India
Pravali Vangeti
Climate Heritage Network Youth Forum
Paris, France
Alison Tickell
Julie’s Bicycle
London, England, UK
Andrew Potts, JD
Climate Heritage Network Secretariat/ICOMOS
Charenton-le-Pont, France
Imogen Wood, MSc, MCIfA, IHBC
National Trust (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland)
Swindon, England, UK
Immediate Past Co-Chairs, 2019-2021
Dr. Ewan Hyslop
Immediate Past Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States Co-Chair
Historic Environment Scotland | Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Mayor Pedro Palacios Ullauri
Immediate Past Latin America and the Caribbean Co-Chair
GAD Municipal del cantón Cuenca
Cuenca, Ecuador
Julianne Polanco
Immediate Past North America Co-Chair
California Office of Historic Preservation
Sacramento, California, USA