Bringing the power of arts, culture, and heritage to climate action.
About the Climate Heritage Network
The Climate Heritage Network (CHN) is a voluntary, mutual support network of government agencies, NGOs, universities, businesses, and other organizations committed to tackling climate change and achieving the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.
Mobilized in 2018 during the Global Climate Action Summit and launched in 2019, the Climate Heritage Network works to re-orient climate policy, planning, and action at all levels to account for dimensions of culture - from arts to heritage.
Empowering People to Imagine and Realise Climate Resilient Futures Through Culture – from Arts to Heritage
Read the Climate Heritage Network’s 2022-2024 Action Plan and meet the leadership working to advance our critical work around the world.
International Steering Committee
The Climate Heritage Network Steering Committee is the governing body of the Climate Heritage Network, with responsibility for determining and overseeing its strategic direction.
The Steering Committee is comprised of regional Co-Chairs elected by CHN Members in their respective regions and up to 15 additional representatives selected by the Co-Chairs from among nominated candidates seconded by CHN Members.
In order to meet the urgency of the climate emergency, the Climate Heritage Network’s manifesto strives to inspire and encourage greater synergistic collaboration on climate action with other sectors and partners that have not traditionally engaged with cultural actors.
We invite you to sign the manifesto and signal your shared ambition to create just, thriving, and resilient communities today and into the future.
Our Members
Members are the heart of the Climate Heritage Network. Together, members are harnessing the power of cultural heritage for climate action, ratcheting up their own ambition, and supporting other arts, culture and heritage organizations and agencies to understand their role in decarbonization pathway planning, building resilience, and activating cultural heritage-based climate communication and education strategies.