press releases CHN press releases CHN

Climate Heritage Network Announces 45 New Members

The Climate Heritage Network is pleased to announce that an additional 45 organisations have become network members. The announcement was first made on 11 February, 2020, at a meeting of the network’s International Steering Committee held in Abu Dhabi, UAE during the 10th World Urban Forum (WUF10) organised by UN-Habitat, the United Nations’ cities and human settlements program.

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events, blogs CHN events, blogs CHN

Historic Environment Scotland Brings Katherine Hayhoe to Edinburgh Castle

In a stroke of #ClimateHeritage genius, on 15 March, Historic Environment Scotland is bringing one of the world’s leading climate change communicators to Edinburgh Castle to explore how we can inspire people to take climate action. The program, entitled “Now we have your attention: let’s talk climate action,” promises to break new ground in exploring the cultural heritage opportunities for climate change communication.

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CHN is Proud to Support Smithsonian Institution’s ‘Stemming the Tide’ Symposium

Cultural heritage is both impacted by climate change and an important part of strategies for driving climate action.  So, where does the cultural heritage community stand now in terms of engaging on climate change, where do we want to go and how do we get there?  The USA’s Smithsonian Institution is putting the focus squarely on these urgent questions at a two-day symposium entitled ‘Stemming the Tide: Global Strategies for Sustaining Cultural Heritage Through Climate Change.’ The event will be held 5-6 March 2020 in Washington, DC.

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Bringing the #ClimateHeritage Message to World Urban Forum 10

There’s no just transition — no carbon transformation — without human creativity, heritage values, social license and cultural capital. Arts, culture and heritage offer immense potential to drive climate action in cities and regions and support equitable transitions towards low carbon, climate resilient development.

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Climate Heritage Network Launches Plan to Mobilise Arts, Culture and Heritage for Climate Action

The newly formed Climate Heritage Network released its first action plan to help mobilise arts, culture and heritage for climate action at an event held in Madrid at COP25, the 2019 UN Climate Summit. Dubbed the Madrid-to-Glasgow Arts, Culture and Heritage Climate Action Plan, its release kicks off a year of culture-based climate action that will culminate in 2020 at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland.

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